Bruce de Torres is the author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free, communications director for the American Small Business League, host of Reality with Bruce de Torres, and co-host of America with Lloyd Chapman and Bruce de Torres.
He's the former marketing director for TrineDay Publishing, where he moderated THE JOURNEY podcast (Conversations with Publisher Kris Millegan, see TD Podcast above) and Zoom Roundtables about JFK's peace plan (see the videos on YouTube, here). He also created art, ads, articles and videos.
At TNT Radio he interviewed 170 authors, activists, and truth-seekers, people like Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. James Thorp of the Wellness Company, Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense, Steve Kirsch of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Dick Russell, author of THE REAL ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR, James DiEugenio, JFK assassination researcher, and Bart Sibrel, creator of A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE MOON.
Bruce had lead roles in comedies, dramas, and musicals coast to coast (“the funniest and most vocally gifted member” of the show, said The New York Times) and hosted hundreds of business networking meetings as he developed his marketing, sales, and public speaking skills.
9/11 woke him up to the players behind the scenes. He has been a passionate advocate for the truth ever since. America's ideals continue to inspire him.
Bruce is available for interviews, conferences, etc. Click the icon at the bottom-right or email him at
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Too many Americans feel powerless. The biggest reason, I think, is public school, where ninety percent of go. Ninety percent of us didn’t play and explore enough during our formative years. We didn’t get to satisfy curiosity, which is how we learn. We didn’t handle life, so we didn’t fall in love with it. We didn’t make decisions, so now, we don’t trust our judgement. It doesn’t exist because we didn’t use it.
We were trained to let superiors think for us, trained to work in hierarchies, where we are not equals with rights but functions with no worth but our rank. Few rise to the top in hierarchies. They are primal, depressing places for many of us.
Nothing is less American than the public-school experience. It doesn’t create people who cherish freedom. It creates people whose normal is prison, whose escape hatch is entertainment, or worse.
Suicide, drug abuse, and crimes of despair are on the rise. Our representatives start wars against innocent people. The world-and-life-changing ideals of the American Revolution are largely unknown. Our rights under the Constitution are mostly gone, which means, we’re not America. Our every move might one day be tracked, traced and controlled, like livestock.
All the truth in the world can’t help us if we feel powerless, if we can’t or won’t do something to improve our lives.
We must overcome this powerlessness. We must challenge ourselves, like President Kennedy, with the idea that “Every man can make a difference and every man should try.” Then the truth will do some good, the truth about what’s happening and the truth about reality, the fact that we are one, doing all to and for our self.
Many people, including me, believe that this is an entirely spiritual realm. There is no “other” doing anything “to” us. The infinite and eternal is appearing to itself as one among many who seem to compete. Maybe for the fun of it. Maybe it – maybe we – were bored.
We fear and fight until we realize, we are one. Now we can help each other figure that out, too.
Everything tries to tell us we are one. Nature. Animals. Music. The love we feel for each other. Poetry. Movement. Coincidences. The visions and psychic experiences that humans have had since the beginning of time.
Every moment wants us to feel reality, which is consciousness and its effect on itself.
Our biggest challenge is our internal talking mind, especially when it gives us fear.
Fear makes us cling to those who act tough. We let them do whatever they want if we feel powerless and think that they’ll protect us.
There is no joy or peace in fear. It can be overcome by parenting ourselves and each other.
To parent is to mom and to dad, to love and empower, to make safe and able.
A mom says, “You’re okay. Everything is alright. You’re not alone. I’m right here. I love you and I always will.”
A dad says, “Come on! We’ve got a lot to do, people to see, things to make. Then we’ll come home and learn what everyone else did, and then we’ll do it all again tomorrow.”
Vision-casting. How we talk to ourselves. How we talk to each other.
We are safe because we are eternal, something that can’t be harmed. If you doubt that, listen to people who’ve had near-death experiences. Watch the interviews on the “Anthony Chene production” YouTube channel.
We are able because we exist. The fact that we exist proves our ability. The fact that we create thought after thought after thought proves our ability. The fact that we can learn how to read and write and do basic math in about 50 hours, according to John Taylor Gatto, proves that we are able. It proves that all that school is a joke.
Quantum physics says that energy, the stuff of which we are made, is nothing but potential. Infinite possibilities. And it’s very sensitive. What we think, affects everything. Every cell in our body. Each other. That’s why we must choose our thoughts ourselves. We might see what we look for and create what we expect.
The world is a better place when we love and encourage each other, when we feel safe and able. It’s a great place when nothing impedes our freedom of speech, our search for the truth, our ability to discuss and try everything.
We are one because what we think about life is what we think about our self, and we become what we think and feel about each other.
With love and power to all, Bruce
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