My book, GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK, came out in 2021. Great reviews below. I hope you get it. (Some revisions were made in October 2024. Here they are.)
Kris Millegan at TrineDay published it. Huge honor. Had been reading his books for years, "Books that challenge official history...because it matters."
I started marketing for him in 2020, art, ads, articles and videos, and moderating Roundtables that explore JFK's peace plan and THE JOURNEY podcast, where he interviews his authors – an amazing curriculum. See link above, TD Podcast.
Then I hosted, on weekends, a TNT Radio show for 15 months, interviewing amazing guests. Then I launched Reality with Bruce de Torres in March 2024, and, simultaneously, America with Lloyd Chapman and Bruce de Torres in October.
In February 2025, I'm becoming Director of Communications for the American Small Business League,
We all have to figure ourselves out. ("Know thyself.") We all must question authority. Otherwise, we are sheep led to the slaughter.
We only have what we give, to ourselves and others, in thought, word, and deed - which proves to me and many, the oneness of existence.
We are playing one heck of a game; appearing to our self to be one among "others," whom we fear until we love. Then we are born again. We discover reality; namely, love, infinite and eternal; and we transcend what Gandhi called "the accident of my personality." The little me we thought we were. The ego.
If that isn't fascinating enough, books give us the treasures implied by President Truman when he said, "The only thing new in the world is the history that you don't know."
I wish you well on your journey to yourself; that you imagine you are eternally safe; that you love all "others" and do the right thing no matter what, as Patrick Henry, Sophie Scholl, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others tried to demonstrate and explain.
Bruce de Torres
A world that knows we are one (infinite love and consciousness) and lives the ideals of the American Founding.
"I recently obtained a copy of Bruce de Torres' book God, School, 9/11, and JFK. I found his chapter on the JFK assassination to be extraordinarily comprehensive---a truly valuable overview of the 'unspeakable' horror that occurred in 1963, and its aftermath. I also learned a lot about 9/11 that I did not know. I highly recommend this book to all Americans who believe in the ideals embodied in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution."
Doug Horne, former Chief Analyst for Military Records, JFK Assassination Records Review Board; author of Inside the Assassination Records Review Board and JFK's War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy was Assassinated.
“I couldn’t stop [reading it]. It’s an amazing book. One of the things I loved about [it], and I very strongly suggest that everybody goes out and buys [it], you really do connect the dots to all these events ... [you] make it easy for people to understand … how all these events are connected … and there’s lots of references for people to see.”
Daniel Estulin, award-winning investigative journalist, radio host, and author of The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group, the international bestseller about the annual meeting of leaders from Western Europe, Canada, and the United States.
“His compassion for suffering humanity, his confidence in man’s sublime eternal destiny, have powered Bruce de Torres in compiling the clear evidence of outrageous wrongdoing in the JFK murder and the Covid crimes. His chapter on School shows that same burning thirst for justice, for youth imprisoned in public institutions which have lost their legitimacy. Unusually compelling.”
Anton Chaitkin, historian, investigative journalist, and author of WHO WE ARE: America's Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy: Volume I - 1750s to 1850s (Volume 2 is on the way), TREASON IN AMERICA: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman, and co-writer of GEORGE BUSH: The Unauthorized Biography. At he writes about the fight between the pro-humans and the empire.
"In God, School, 9/11 And JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free, Bruce de Torres has done what few historians have been able to achieve by not only situating the murder of JFK and the attacks of 9/11 into a broader continuous wave of history, but also invoking the spirit and passion of JFK in an honest and loving manner which both America and the world desperately need to navigate through the storms shaping so much of our current crisis-ridden age. The question of morality, passion, and love of our fellow man that animated JFK's heart and which must animate the hearts of all citizens in order to ensure the durability of a republic is invoked in a manner rarely seen among modern treatments of either JFK, 9/11 or the corruption of our educational institutions."
Matthew Ehret, journalist and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation, Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University of Moscow, host of The Great Game on Rogue News, and author of these book series: The Untold History of Canada and The Clash of The Two Americas.
“It is appalling, ludicrous and ought to be inconceivable that almost 60 years after the brazen public execution of a sitting president of the United States in Dallas, Texas, the ludicrous fantasies of the US government, William Manchester and the Warren Commission – long since exposed by scores of honest dedicated scholars – should still be imposed as the dominant, one and only orthodoxy in the schools, universities and universal mainstream media outlets of the United States.
In GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK, historian and broadcaster Bruce de Torres explains why this should be so. He puts both the events of November 22, 1963 ("11/22"), and the destruction of the World Trade Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001 ("9/11"), into an all too understandable context. And he questions the official orthodox "truths" of more than a century of American history along the way.
Mr. de Torres has written a painful, necessary, compelling and troubling book. It is essential reading for all Americans who take their eroding freedoms and proud heritage and history seriously and seek to defend and restore them. This is the work of a fine scholar and a brave and honest man. Such voices are all too rare in 21st Century America.”
Martin Sieff, former senior foreign correspondent for The Washington Times, former chief news analyst and managing editor, International Affairs, for UPI, author of 7 books on modern history and current affairs, recipient of three Pulitzer Prize nominations for International Reporting.
"Bruce de Torres has written a compelling and probing work in God, School, 9/11 and JFK. It is as much a philosophical treatise as a recounting of history. Bruce does a good job of covering all the flaws in the laughable official narratives about the events of September 11, 2001 and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He writes about the concept of God, and the failures of organized religion, with an ironically spiritual passion. His analysis of the school system is astute, and best summed up in his line, 'school is a trauma from which we all must recover. God, School, 9/11 and JFK would be an important addition to every independent-minded person's library."
Donald Jeffries, author of The Unreals; Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics; Survival of The Richest; Crimes and Cover-Ups: 1776-1963; and Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule School, Work Places, and Society at Large.
"Bruce de Torres is a deep thinker and an excellent writer! This book will change you…for the better. You cannot see the world (or, indeed, the universe) ever the same way after reading God, School, 9/11 and JFK. Bruce’s take on a few cataclysmic events are truly mind-expanding, as is his take on God and Christianity. I am very impressed with the depth and breadth of the author’s thinking and knowledge on these topics. Bruce’s book is one that makes you stop---many times---and ponder what has been written and conveyed. Highly recommended!"
Vince Palamara, author of Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy; JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda; The Not-So-Secret Service; Who’s Who in the Secret Service; and Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. Kennedy
“Bruce has written an impressive book that outlines many of the US government’s lies. The fraud of the 9/11 Report, the fraud of the Warren Report, are the tip of the iceberg that awaits the reader. Many official stories are contradicted. What he writes is backed up. I was also impressed with the matter-of-fact style in which he reveals the true situation of these crimes. This is a book you will read twice, then pass on to a friend.”
Len Osanic, Black Op, The voice of political conspiracy research
“Rarely does a book so successfully merge history, contemporary social issues, the philosophical and the spiritual in as cohesive and understandable a way as God, School, 9/11 and JFK. Author Bruce de Torres’ work makes these complex and recalcitrant topics infinitely accessible to the reader, regardless of their background or philosophical leanings. What separates this book from others in the genre is the message of hope and optimism with which the reader is left. In the end, we all owe de Torres deep thanks for what will no doubt become a seminal work.”
Randolph Benson, Producer/Director, The Searchers
“If you haven't read Bruce de Torres' new book God, School, 9/11 and JFK, get a copy ASAP if you're interested in these topics. It's an excellent read, and filled with information, that's becoming more and more difficult by the day to find with all the censorship going on. I give two thumbs, and two big toes, way up for this important book!”
Steve Cameron, writer (The Deputy Interviews: The True Story of J.F.K. Assassination Witness, and Former Dallas Deputy Sheriff, Roger Dean Craig), filmmaker, public speaker
“Bruce de Torres has written a profoundly insightful tour de force in a short, 175-page narrative covering the state of the world from the time of Christ to the present (as of its published date, 2021). Citing numerous poets like Walt Whitman, oracles like Thomas Paine and contemporary heroes like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (in a 435 word Instagram post accusing Thane Eugene Cesar, on the day he died, of having murdered his father), he presents his own amazing research that touches on practically every significant historical event that has impacted world history. … It is a fascinating, enjoyable read that is very difficult to put down … GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK has become one of my favorite books about living in the present and understanding the past.”
Phillip F. Nelson, author of LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination; LBJ: From Mastermind to The Colossus; WHO REALLY KILLED MARTIN LUTHER KING JR: The Case against Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover; and REMEMBER THE LIBERTY: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas (about Israel’s attack on a U.S. Naval ship, in collusion with LBJ)
"So glad I purchased this book. One of the unknown greats! What a mind! Thank you for sharing it with the world."
Cheri Seymour, former investigative journalist and licensed private detective, author of The Last Circle: Danny Casolaro's Investigation into The Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal
"Bruce de Torres has written a timely and inspiring book exploring the subjects of ’God, School, 9/11 and JFK’ and proves how each contributed to the forming of the official American narrative created out of lies. Many Americans will be shocked to learn that rather than being enlightened by our “educators,” a “mind control” agenda was inaugurated generations ago that continues to spellbind the country. We have all been subjected to indoctrination since childhood that planted a default acceptance of official proclamations buried deep within the American psyche. This book is a perfect choice to begin the journey of asking the tough questions of why this came to be and how to break the spell.
Spanning over 200 years of history, each subject is explored through an array of footnoted source materials that expose the underlying web of deceits behind official narratives. It’s especially revealing how this manipulative process works as de Torres digs into the most important national traumas of 9/11 and JFK. As we move through this examination layers of lies are stripped away room is made for the real facts that will be the foundation of a new narrative. This book’s message will be especially helpful to those who are beginning to break free of the mind control. Its greatest gift is in making clear that the only pathway to a future in which we all may live must be based on a rigorous engagement with the “truth.” This is teaching at its best. We all need to know the truth, and yes, it will set us free!"
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, The Voice and The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond.
"In GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11, AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free, author Bruce de Torres begins his wide-ranging exploration by examining big questions, contemplating the ultimate nature of reality, consciousness, Creation and the Creator. After establishing the broader context for discussion, he rapidly narrows the focus, delving into the unseen sinister forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, our modern world in incredibly profound ways.
In a deep dive that encompasses the founding of our nation and comes full circle to the present, de Torres lays bare a tapestry of lies and illusions—a tapestry that forms the foundation for a hideous global program of full-spectrum dominance targeting humanity. Involving every major institution of society, organized religion and our educational-indoctrinational system in particular, this ultimate campaign of terror wields scientifically-forged tools for the manipulation and oppression of all humankind. de Torres tracks the hidden hand that has controlled our world for centuries—millennia—and dissects the seminal false-flag events of its system of mass trauma-based mind control, from the assassination of President Kennedy to September 11, 2001, up to and including COVID-19. If you already have trouble sleeping at night, perhaps this book isn’t for you."
S.K. Bain, author of The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 As Mass Ritual; Black Jack: The Dawning of a New Great Age of Satan; and The End is Only The Beginning: 2022 And The Coming Of God
“Bruce de Torres has written a quietly remarkable book. What began as an exploration of consciousness morphed into a greater realization of the impact of false narratives and the manipulation of consciousness on the world stage. “When we see that the official stories about God, school, 9/11, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are lies that cause harm, we stop obeying liars and protect ourselves from them.” And in this sentence he lays out his thesis — we have been lied to from day one. Fundamental to this book are the parallel precepts that lies will enslave us and that the truth shall set us free.
As the world reels from the impact of another questionable construct — that a virus with less than a 1% case fatality rate requires the destruction of livelihoods and the removal of nearly all civil rights, not to mention mandating a heavy dose of obedience to unsound requirements — the issues raised in this book are both critical and imperative.”
Janet Phelan, Activist Post, September 22, 2021 (author of At the Breaking Point of History: How U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic)
“Bruce de Torres has found his niche - research and writing! As a young actor pursuing his ‘dream’ he ran head-on into ‘real’ life events. He is well versed in business, networking and marketing skills, and is an outstanding public speaker. His assessment of modern American historical principles based on God, School, 9/11 and the domestic murder of President John F. Kennedy is right-on target. His intellectual journey furnishes the reader with an opportunity to critically think of the ‘LIES’ within our ‘past’ and provides us an alternative road map in the navigation of our future. He rebuilds our historical past, sets a solid foundation for questions and adjusts our pathway to the ‘truth.' I would highly recommend Bruce’s book, GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and the Truth That Sets Us Free.”
Casey J. Quinlan, Adjunct American History Professor, Author: Beyond the Fence Line, Director of Project JFK / CSI Dallas
"Bruce de Torres has crafted one of the smartest books on fundamental historical belief that we have seen in some time. Starting with the idea of manifesting existing energy into incredible ideas and effects, de Torres takes us on an intellectual journey that results in a better understanding of why we believe what we believe, why it’s detrimental to default to a position of educational obedience, and how this applies best in the cases of the John Kennedy assassination and 9/11.
Everyone has a history that guides their thoughts and actions. Much of what we see as our random history was a future that had been pre-planned by the scions of media, academia, government, psychology, sociology, and publishing from birth. Bruce de Torres pulls the curtain back so far on belief that the seediest of wizards are exposed. If you plan on thinking critically at all in the future – and you should – this is one book that must be a cornerstone on your shelves."
S.T. Patrick, Editor-in-Chief, garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics, Host, “The Midnight Writer News Show with S.T. Patrick”
"In this excellent work, Bruce de Torres takes us through 200-plus years of American history, revealing the darker, hidden side of it – elites (in and out of our institutions) controlling us with lies and moving us toward fascism. Incontrovertible facts point toward conspiracy, especially in the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK, and in 9/11. Mr. de Torres correctly says we must be 'near those entrusted with power,' or else corruption and exploitation begin. I highly recommend this detailed, informative work that takes the reader right up through the events unfolding in today’s world!"
David Denton, History Professor, Olney Central College, author of Essays on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
“Bruce de Torres has delivered more than just a masterclass on our parapolitical history. He's brought us a unique look at the deep spirituality of truth-seeking.”
Alex Tsakiris,
“GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 and JFK … [is not only] a terrific primer, [it] is also an invaluable tome for those more seasoned truth pilgrims amongst us. … [Bruce’s] chapter on education ("school") is alone worth the price of admission. As a former teacher I can well appreciate his views on the utterly dysfunctional character of our Western education system. … the institutions in our broad body politic that are failing us -- the medical and healthcare establishment to name the most obvious one in recent years -- … are not failing organically. They're ‘failing’ … by design…”
Greg Maybury, host of The No Fly Zone on TNTRadio(dot)Live
“I could sit here now and tell you that you might possibly be the best human being I've ever encountered. I could tell you that technically speaking your writing is faultless, and your prose quite unique and challenging. I could tell you what I'm holding is a great and important book. But I'm not going to. Because for you my friend it would be an insult.
The truth is you are an inspiration. And so is your writing. It means so much to me because you are the only contemporary writer I have come across who has taken George Orwell's beliefs and based his own art upon them; as I have always tried to. Whenever I'm writing I always feel like he is there, like a Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder, endlessly reminding me of what a truly scrupulous writer does with every sentence that he writes. "Never use an image or idiom you are used to seeing in print." "If you can cut a word out, cut it out." "Never use a long word where a short one will do." Yes, I can see you nodding your head from this side of the Atlantic. That essay Politics and the English Language is a literary jewel few appreciate.
So I would not dare 'evaluate' what you have put together with technical assessments. I love your prose, which is truly unique. And it's a great and important book. It is a most humbling experience to find a man of your talents is so enthusiastic about my own work.”
Francis Richard Conolly, film-maker and author, JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick
"I am a passionate reader and a professional researcher. This book is an absolute gem which stands out on its own. Our country is in a state of disaster, which is no secret to anyone affected by the state of affairs. Bruce has produced one of the most uniquely written volumes of how we got there. Philosophy, Child Rearing, Educational Programming, History, Political Corruption, Deception, Coverups, and Covid. The Author nails down each of these elements in their essence and proceeds to define how they have been used to program and dumb down a populous to the apathetic state we now find ourselves in.
He provides an excellent view of how these factors are supposed to be and then an excellent analysis of why they are not. His presence of mind over the subject matter doesn't leave us "In The Valley of the Shadow of Death." He carefully and thoughtfully supplies us with remedy for the recent demise of humanity.
Bruce is extremely intelligent and his writing style is a reflection of his cerebral mass. Sentences stretch into paragraphs packed with so much information and insight that the book is better read in small doses. Trying to read it in one stretch is like swallowing a 2-pound bag of M&Ms in one sitting. Ultimately, he illustrates how it was 'intended to be' by the Founding Fathers. How it has been bastardized into the mess we have now and how we can fix the mistakes that have cost us dearly. This book is a journey, not something you drop on the night table wearily at the end of the day. GET IT, READ IT, and BE ENLIGHTENED. Great job, Mr. Bruce de Torres"
Damon Ise, researcher, creator of JFK Jr: Murder or Mishap?
“’Government is looking out for you, you can trust the news, and God loves you as long as you believe in the right one.’ Bruce de Torres scatters these storybook narratives to the wind with his impressive book. He writes each chapter with an authentic passion and viewpoint. He also cites a litany of other literature which will serve as a jumping off point for those seeking to expand their mind. Whether the reader has questions about spirituality, their American History 101 class or the global charade that has become COVID-19, God, School, 9/11 and JFK will satiate their curiosity.”
Phil Zozzaro, The Book Lovers Guide,
"I really loved your book. It should be required reading. It reconfirmed a lot of what I already know and it really made me feel good."
Jeffery Johnson Smith, Founder of The Forum on Geonomics, a member of the International Society for Ecological Economics, a member of Mensa, and the author of Counting Bounty: The Quest to Know the Worth of Earth
"Bruce de Torres delivers an easy-to-read, hard-hitting, fast-moving account – like Billy Joel’s song WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE – of what we have endured at the hands of our government in the name of national security. A must-read for those who seek to understand our world of today."
Larry Rivera, Chairman, The Oswald Innocence Campaign, author of The JFK Horsemen: Framing Lee, Altering the Altgens6 and Resolving Other Mysteries
“Rare is the person who's equally balanced between left and right brain functions - that's between logical/mechanical thinking versus creative/emotional thought processing. Bruce de Torres's balance has manifested copious concepts and details in a mere 175 pages in his brilliant paperback 'God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free.' (There are an additional 45 pages of sources AND a complete index.) De Torres' style should please–both–people who are conceptually sensitive or rationally objective individuals (or both).
De Torres has interconnected a universe of dots, revealing how (and perhaps why) many events in our history might have occurred, leading us to see things as we do. The breadth and depth of his writing touches on startling and surprising events that would have an agnostic kneeling in prayer and a devoutly religious person asking how God could permit such things–in a moral world. One can blast through 'God, School, 9/11 and JFK' or perhaps savor it with a fine single malt Scotch, neat, a dozen oysters on the half shell and freshly pureed horseradish.
'God, School, 9/11 and JFK' reads like a combination of H. L. Mencken and Buckminister Fuller where opinion, philosophy, personality and details are woven well together in such a way that it leaves (us) readers dithering–where we can no longer deny the existence of sinister events or people and we must realize that to take no action contributes to a steeper incline on the very slippery slope we find ourselves cascading down today. I would say the most compelling quote I found in this beautiful distillation of life is this: "Our urges must be examined and comprehended, and self-control acquired, if we would live together in peace. Peace requires Trust. Trust requires Truth."
I am a better human for having read and comprehended (at least 20% of the facts) and now I am left with two other things to accomplish: 1) Re-read the book again with a more focused eye and 2) Engage in some kind of constructive action which will cause some goodness, which could be expanded from person to person and just perhaps initiate a change in our culture and ultimate plight in today's very strange and topsy turvy world. Oh yeah; 'God, School, 9/11 and JFK' has so many references and footnotes, I can guarantee I will not be without great reading material any time in the next couple years."
Peter R. Hymans ("The Glass Gun" Researcher/Photographer)
“Bruce hits all the right points in the timelines of the important events in our modern history. If you are a seasoned conspiracy realist, there will new info for you and it will put current events in context, and if you are newly initiated, this will be eye opening and a great reference manual for you, your family and friends.”
Graham Dunlop, The Grimerica Show
"Bruce de Torres does us all a great service in compiling and publishing these vital and unsettling truths concerning four seemingly separate threads, revealing them as central veins of the web that has ensnared us all into our current position at the edge of dystopia. Bruce exposes the lies that are killing us and backs it up with a fluid and well sourced bibliography and leaves readers with a resounding message of hope in the light of truth."
Mark Steeves, Founder of Alt Media United, Host of The My Family Thinks I'm Crazy Podcast
"’God, School, 9/11 and JFK’ is a beautifully written book that details how we got to the shape we’re in as a society. Pages and pages of sources give us even more information about the many topics in the book. Bruce starts by breaking down what God/reality is and how religion is used to control the masses with perverted versions of the truth. Then he takes us back to school and reminds us how we were indoctrinated, which most of us know but forgot or justify in order to survive psychologically. After that we get to the mass rituals of 9/11 and JFK. Bruce does an excellent job of showing how the ruling class is responsible for such traumatic events (and worse) throughout much of known history. Finally, Bruce ties it all together with the world’s current events surrounding Covid-19. Give this book as a gift to those who are on the borderline of breaking free of the matrix mindset. It will give them a full picture and save you a lot of words."
Todd Armstrong (Immanuel Kingman), host of Godcast: The Goodness over Darkness Podcast
“Who are we? What are we made of? What is the purpose of life? Are there unknown forces attempting to silently subjugate our life force and direct it to their own selfish benefit? Are all the societal structures designed to trick us with FEAR and take our energy using “herd” survival instincts? Is there anyone or anything we can really trust in this world? In his amazing book ‘GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK’ author and truth-seeker Bruce de Torres reveals what he has learned on his amazing quest for the answers to these and many other intriguing questions. This book is a must-read for anyone who feels jaded about the state of the world, distrustful of “authority” and confused about how to take personal control in the never-ending chaos. Bruce has a unique style that will help you uncover hidden clues, accept hard-to-accept truth, shed irrational fears and have a laugh about it all at the same time.”
Scott Goodknight, author, adventurer, filmmaker, former US Army Ranger
“Well-constructed and surprisingly funny, this in-your-face book will rattle the cage of the status quo. (If one-tenth is true, I don’t want to get out of bed.) The first-hand stories are most compelling. The critique of Christianity will strike many as spot on. Bruce looks at everything 360-degrees. Everything is love and we can create whatever we want. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in these kinds of things.”
Tom Dugan, award-winning playwright, Wiesenthal, Tell Him It’s Jackie, Tevye in New York!, Cemetery Pub
“Well written, easy to read. I recommend it. I felt horror reading the chapter on school, which I know is all true. You make clear how the official 9/11 story is impossible; how, with the Bush connections with the bin Laden family, the military-industrial complex, the deep state, it was just another self-attack to get people behind the war on terror. I like your honesty and vulnerability about yourself. Your detail in regards to Kennedy is amazing. Nixon story was fascinating. Great read. So much information. You give hope, which is what we need when we ‘see.’ Love the history section. People need to understand our history. It is being perverted in schools. I love all the references. You let people know where they can look up this information. Your details and sources are what makes your book so compelling.”
Victoria White Krengel, Coastal GA Film Liaison
“This book is overwhelming. It’s about how to orient ourselves in the universe toward happiness while the government is out to get us. It says much about how we can get along and make the world a better place.”
Ron Leir, newspaperman
"Bruce de Torres has written an important book. God, School, 9/11 and JFK is as well timed as it's profound. In some cases extremely so. Starting with a review of humankind’s relationship with spirit — as opposed to institutional religion —the text modulates through a review of that other religious institution — public education — to explore the various ways in which human minds and bodies are cultivated like GMO hothouse tomatoes into a sickened and circumscribed derivation of the wild and beautiful original.
This is buildup to a whirlwind tour of history, and especially the suppressed modern events and patterns the public dismisses as conspiracy. Using documented sources, de Torres smashes the house of mirrors in which many are lost, exposing how major events and pretty much every war have been misrepresented, with the complicity of a vassal media, allowing a small oligarchy of bankers, transnational businesses, and powerful families to consolidate their influence and control over governments, especially via unelected agencies and the United Nations. Everything from the assassination of JFK to 9/11, from dirty wars in the Middle East, Africa, and every continent to 2020’s manufactured biological crisis and the lockdown of the planet — all of it — ties together. Again and again we see elites benefiting, while the rest of humanity is immiserated, and sometimes genocided.
Amidst this, I appreciated the robust quotes from iconoclasts like Walt Whitman and Carl Jung. This is a good read in addition to being informative. And timing really is everything: had this very book been released even just a few years ago, it might have been of only fringe interest. Yet today — with illusions evaporating like rain on Georgia asphalt — de Torres' book hits the mark, and offers crucial, footnoted information just when it’s needed. If you’re already familiar with alternate historical perspectives, this book will serve as a valuable reference; it would be a great gift to help awaken friends and relatives oblivious to the digital prison being erected around them by big data and that collusion of big business and government we call fascism, or these days, technocracy."
“…there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
“Energy - the stuff of which all is made - seems to be conscious. It seems to become a particle or a wave based on how it is observed.
Until it becomes one or the other, it seems to be potential.
That is the stuff of which we are made.
Energy seems to have burst into existence about fourteen billion years ago (the Big Bang theory). The universe is expanding. Everything is moving away from everything else. The elements, stars, planets, and background radiation - the noise coming from every direction - are what they would be had they evolved from a sudden appearance of what we are pleased to call energy.
This theory not been confirmed, however, because energy, at the smallest sizes, acts too strangely to be measured. Its first moment is incalculable, its sudden appearance unprovable, and what may have been its cause or prior condition unknowable, so far. Science has recently learned that black holes shed information. Black holes have so much in common with the universe, a new theory of its origin should always be expected.
Here’s mine: energy burst into existence because it wanted to. It was and is the intention to exist. The intention is the ability.
If true, we are here because we wanted to be. Thoughts come to us, and become things, because they want to; they, too, are and have the intention to exist.
If we knew that to be true, we would choose our thoughts carefully, to choose what we create; we would confirm what we were told, to build lives on the truth.
We have our work cut out for us.
Seventy percent of Americans identify as Christian. Ninety percent go through public school. Christianity and school teach us to obey, not to choose our thoughts. Obeying, we let our government trample our rights and kill people all over the world.
Habits, such as obeying, are invisible. They must be looked for, to be seen. They are strong, from years of practice. They attack when they feel threatened. They have the intention to exist. They cannot be destroyed, only replaced.
When we resolve to choose our thoughts, we re-enthrone our sovereignty and self-govern.
When we see that the official stories about God, school, 9/11, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are lies that cause harm, we stop obeying liars and protect ourselves from them.
Those who deceive intend to enslave.
Those who would be free make the truth their god.”
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